Early Years Pupil Premium
The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) enables us to claim additional Government for some of our 3 and 4 year olds in Nursery School to further support their development and learning experiences.
The funding equates to £302.10 per year if a child takes up their full 570 hours of free early education entitlement.
It is well known that high quality Early Education can influence how well a child does from Nursery School throughout their Primary and Secondary years. The Early Years Pupil Premium grant will help give our children additional rich learning experiences and opportunities.
The Government have identified groups who may not reach the educational goals associated with their age and stage of development. We want to make sure all groups of children attending Nursery School have the opportunities to make excellent progress and attain in line with other children of their age and stage of development, whilst continuing to enjoy rich learning opportunities and experiences.
Our focus will be on Supporting children's Early Communication and Language development supporting and encouraging children's developing listening, attention and speaking skills.
We also intend to focus on developing children's Social and Emotional development through developing a greater awareness and understanding of emotions and feelings, and through fostering a positive sense of self. their friends and their nursery family. We do this through small group work focusing on developing children's awareness of self and we also provide forest school sessions which really develop children's sense of belonging as part of a group.
Children must receive free early education in order to attract EYPP funding.
How much Early Years Pupil Premium does the school receive?
There is a national rate for each child who is eligible for the EYPP. This equates to 53p per hour. Therefore if a child is with you for a whole school year the setting will receive 53p x 570 hours = £302.10, if the child is only with you for one term the school will receive approximately £100.
We receive the money for those children on a termly basis, and the money is allocated for additional and targeted activities.
What funding does staghills Nursery School receive?
The money we receive varies from term to term depending on the children we have in our nursery.
What will the EYPP be used for?
The aim of this funding is to offer extra support to children who are believed to be disadvantaged, so as to accelerate their learning and progress and subsequently close the attainment gap.
We continue to read research, case studies and information provided by Early Education and subsequently discuss the various options we have in relation to spending the money.
Fundamentally though it is vital that we take into consideration the needs of the eligible children, with the role of the staff team to ensure we accurately identify any barriers to learning and consequently identify what specific resources/ training / strategies will best support them. It is important to remember that every child’s strengths and subsequently needs will vary and it is therefore important that the focus of how the money is used, meets their individual needs.
Does the Early Years Pupil Premium finding reach the most disadvantaged children?
The Headteacher carefully ensures that the eligible children receive the benefits of the funding directly. However there are a number of children who may benefit from the various activities planned but don’t qualify. If possible we will also include these children.
How as Governors can you monitor and evaluate the use of the Early Years Pupil Premium?
Nursery schools will be held to account for the spending of this money by Ofsted, therefore it is vitally important that all stakeholders are clear about how the funding is used and the difference this has made to the children.
Governors can use the following time / opportunities to monitor this:
As part of the data analysis, EYPP will be considered as a specific group when comparing progress and attainment with the tracking tool.
Through budget meetings and discussions around spending priorities.
Through school development planning and curriculum evaluation.
Through Learning Journals and observations
Monitoring the attendance of the EYPP children.
3- and 4-year-olds will be eligible for EYPP if the child receives the universal 15 hours entitlement and they meet any of the following criteria:
• their family gets one of the following:
• Income Support
• income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
• income-related Employment and Support Allowance
• support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
• the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
• Child Tax Credit (provided they are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
• Working Tax Credit run-on, which is paid for 4 weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
• Universal Credit
• they are currently being looked after by a local authority in England or Wales
They have left care in England or Wales through:
• an adoption order
• a special guardianship order
• a child arrangements order
This information has been taken from the www.gov.uk website, please click on the link for further information.
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